Cancellation and Shipping Policy


    1. The Payment made for the registration will not be refunded, if the user needs to change the category, they have to register for new.

    2. If the user have made the payment twice due to network issues it will be monitored thoroughly by the organizing team and after when it is found to be true, refund will be initiated by 3 to 4 Days.

    3. The Cancellation or modification of the registration are not allowed to avoid extra confusions on the data.

  • It is Marathon Event and doesn't involved in selling Goods, there will not be shipping of Goods involved.
  • But, to give our Participants complementries, we are making them to present direclty to collect their complements and if not possible to collect them means, we will try to courier their complements with our decisions.
  • Due to we are giving Compliments, we may try to the best to solve the Goods damage issues, if not means, Participants will be replaced with the Organizers concern only.
  • We will not issuing any bills for the amount we are collecting from the Participants, but we are issuing the Confirmation Mail to them and Confirmation message with the Amount they have paid is also be sent.
  • Participant will not claim about an extra complement that another participant will received, it may be to motivate their efforts.